Calyculin A reconstitutes contractile force, PKB phosphorylation and anf expression in msq. (A) Ventricular FS of homozygous mutant msq embryos (msq−/−) in comparison to wild-type (WT) zebrafish. Homozygous msq embryos treated with 100 nmol/L calyculin A during 4–96 hpf displayed improved contractile force (25.4 ± 18.9% (p = 0.00015) compared to embryos incubated with DMSO (2.2 ± 5.3%). (n.s.: Not significant) (B) Treatment of homozygous msq−/− embryos with 100 nmol/L calyculin A displayed an increased PKB phosphorylation (pPKB) in comparison to controls. In situ hybridization revealed that calyculin A treated homozygous msq−/− embryos (E) show, in contrast to DMSO-treated wild-type zebrafish (C) and DMSO-treated msq−/− embryos (D), an almost indistinguishable anf expression.