Fig. 3

Earley et al., 2018 - Genetic analysis of zebrafish homologs of human FOXQ1, foxq1a and foxq1b, in innate immune cell development and bacterial host response
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Fig. 3

Single and double foxq1abcz11 and foxq1bbcz18 mutants have normal macrophage and neutrophil development.

a Whole mount in situ hybridization of 2.5 dpf single and double foxq1abcz11 and foxq1bbcz18 mutants and their siblings using RNA probes for mfap4 (macrophage marker) and mpx (neutrophil marker). Arrows, macrophages or neutrophils in the caudal hematopoietic tissue in the embryo tail. b Scatter plots showing number of macrophages and neutrophils in the tail region for each embryo quantified in the different genotype categories. n, number of embryos analyzed beneath each scatter plot. Plots report average ± standard deviation (s.d.). Multiple unpaired t-tests comparing between control siblings and each of the mutants groups were conducted with correction for multiple comparisons using the Sidak-Bonferroni method and without assuming equal variance to determine statistical significance. n.s., no statistical significance as defined by p > 0.05 was found in all the comparisons.

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