Fig. 4

Yeh et al., 2017 - ATF4 overexpression induces early onset of hyperlipidaemia and hepatic steatosis and enhances adipogenesis in zebrafish
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Fig. 4

Histological changes in livers of ATs − Dox larvae and juvenile ATs (<30 days post fertilization (dpf)) at different quantities of feeding and lipid contents. (A) Whole-mount ORO staining in the liver region of AT1 ± Dox (panels 1 and 7), AT2 ± Dox (panels 2 and 8), and WT ± Dox (panels 3 and 9) larvae at 10 dpf (110X magnification, scale bars: 100 μm). Livers are circled. H&E staining in the liver of AT1 ± Dox (panels 4 and 10), AT2 ± Dox (panels 5 and 11), and WT ± Dox (panels 6 and 12) larvae. (400X magnification, scale bars: 200 μm) (B) H&E staining in the liver region of juvenile (28 dpf) AT1 ± Dox (panels 1 and 4), AT2 ± Dox (panels 2 and 5), and WT ± Dox (panels 3 and 6). Livers are circled. 200X magnification, scale bars: 200 μm (C) Frozen section ORO staining (frozen ORO) in the liver of juvenile (28-dpf) AT1 ± Dox (panels 1 and 4), AT2 ± Dox (panels 2 and 5), and WT ± Dox (panels 3 and 6). 400X magnification. Scale bars: 10 μm.

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