Fig. s8
Analysis of ciliary markers in MOs and mutants. Representative immunoblots for Rab8a (A) and centrin (B) in the different experimental animals. Blots were stripped and re-probed for actin that was used as a loading control for quantification of the corresponding bands (numbers on top each band). C-G: Confocal images of the recycling endosome marker Rab11a/b (red). H-L: Confocal images of the basal body marker -tubulin (red). M-Q: Confocal images of the ciliary protein IFT54 (green). R-V: Confocal images of the transition zone associated protein Cc2d2a (green). Acetylated tubulin was used as an axoneme marker (red). Phalloidin was used to counterstain the hair cell bundle. Scale: C-G: 15µm; H-L: 9µm, M-Q: 11µm, R-V: 2.5µm. |