Fig. S15
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- ZDB-FIG-180206-13
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- Singh et al., 2017 - Different developmental histories of beta-cells generate functional and proliferative heterogeneity during islet growth
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Pharmacological inhibition of Notch and NF-kB signaling increases the number of recently-differentiated cells on the islet’s anterior side. (A) Tg(ins:H2B-GFP);Tg(ins:DsRed) animals were treated with DMSO (control), a γ-secretase inhibitor (LY-411575) or an NF-kB inhibitor (Ethyl Pyruvate (EP)), and the number of recently-differentiated beta-cells was quantified. The recently-differentiated beta-cells are H2B-GFP-positive but DsRed-negative. Maximum intensity projections of 18 dpf primary islets. The anterior side is to the top. (B) Quantification of recently-differentiated beta-cells within the anterior and posterior halves of the primary islet (n = 20 islets) for controls and animals treated with LY-411575 or EP. The plot shows tukey style boxplot overlaid with the data points. In all three cases, the number of recently-differentiated beta-cells was higher within the anterior compared to the posterior half (two-tailed t-test, *** p < 0.001). Treatment with LY-411575 or EP significantly enhanced (two-tailed t-test, *** p < 0.001) the addition of beta-cells within the anterior halves of the islets, as compared to controls, but not within the posterior. Scale bars, 20 μm. |