Fig. 5

Quillien et al., 2017 - Robust Identification of Developmentally Active Endothelial Enhancers in Zebrafish Using FANS-Assisted ATAC-Seq
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Fig. 5

Pairing Cognate Promoters and Enhancers Improves Endothelial Expression

(A, E, and I) GFP-positive (green) and GFP-negative (black) ATAC-seq read density in nuclei at (A) lmo2, (E) clec14a, and (I) dll4 loci. Black boxes are putative enhancer elements; gray boxes denote region used as a promoter.

(B–D, F–H, and J–L) Overlays of green and red fluorescence from embryos injected with enhancer reporter constructs. Ratios in left bottom are number of embryos with endothelial GFP over the total number of cryaa:mcherry-expressing embryos from replicate injections. Lateral views, dorsal is up, anterior to the left. Embryos injected with reporter construct containing (B, F, J) gene-specific promoter, (C, G, K) enhancer and basal promoter, or (D, H, L) enhancer and cognate promoter for indicated genes upstream of EGFP. Scale bar, 250 μm.

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