Fig. S6
Loss of endogenous notch1b-15 enhancer mildly phenocopies Notch1b loss-of-function. (A) A representative confocal projection of F2 homozygous zebrafish notch1b- 15uq1mf/uq1mf, derived from the F1 heterozygous notch1b-15uq1mf/+ in-crosses. No obvious phenotype was observed in the vasculature of F2 homozygous clutches. Quantification of YFP positive intersomittic vessels connecting between the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV) and dorsal aorta (DA) in individual F2 larvae labeled by tg(fltYFP;lyveDsred) at 3dpf (red arrowheads). Mean ± SEM; Scored sibling WT (+/+), n=19; Het (uq1mf/+), n=54; Hom (uq1mf/1mf), n=26; Mann-Whitney. (ns) No significant difference. (B) Representative confocal projections of F3 homozygous zebrafish notch1b-15uq1mf/uq1mf, derived from the F2 homozygous notch1b-15uq1mf/uq1mf in-crosses. While most F3 homozygous clutches lack phenotype (top left panel), a sub-population (20-30%) of the larvae showed either ectopic sprouting (asterisks) and/or loss of arterial connections (red arrowheads) between DLAV and DA, as indicated by the loss of YFP expression in tg(fltYFP;lyve1Dsred) background (bottom left panel). Quantification of YFP positive (top right panel) and hyper-sprouting (bottom right panel) intersomitic vessels in individual F3 larvae labeled by tg(fltYFP;lyveDsred) at 3dpf. Mean ± SEM; Scored WT (+/+), n=55; Hom (uq1mf/1mf), n=59; Mann-Whitney. (*) p<0.05, (***) p<0.001. |