Fig. 4

Berberoglu et al., 2017 - Satellite-like cells contribute to pax7-dependent skeletal muscle repair in adult zebrafish
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Fig. 4

Myoblast-like cells, detected using myf5:GFP and myod:GFP transgene expression, are present post-injury in adult zebrafish skeletal muscle. (A) The myod:GFP transgenic line identifies myoblast-like cells at 4 dpi. (A'-A''') Magnified view of boxed area in A, showing myod:GFP expression (A'), EdU incorporation after an acute EdU pulse (A''), and the overlay (A''') at 4 dpi. Double-positive cells are indicated by arrowheads. (B-B''') At 4 dpi, myod:GFP-expressing cells are largely Pax7-negative (examples indicated by arrowheads). (C) Percentage of total proliferating cells (i.e. those that incorporate EdU) at 4 dpi that are Pax7-positive (25%) versus myod:GFP-positive (15%). The percentage of proliferating cells that are Pax7-positive (25%) is similar to that shown in Fig. S3I and is slightly higher than the percentage of proliferating cells that are myod:GFP-positive (15%), although the difference is not statistically significant. (D) Percentage of Pax7-expressing cells at 4 dpi that are myod:GFP-positive (10%) versus myod:GFP-negative (90%), p**<0.01. (E) myf5:GFP-positive cells are present at the injury site at 5 dpi. (E') Magnified view of boxed region in E. (E”) Magnified view of boxed region in E' reveals myf5:GFP-positive cells that are myog:H2B-mRFP-positive (arrowheads). Scale bar in A and E' is 75 µm, in E is 150 µm, and in A'-B''' and E” is 30 µm.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Days 45-89 to Adult

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Antibody Fish Conditions Stage Qualifier Anatomy Assay
Ab-Pax7i104Tgphysical alteration: myotomeDays 45-89 to AdultIHC
1 - 1 of 1
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Days 45-89 to Adult

Phenotype Detail
This image is the copyrighted work of the attributed author or publisher, and ZFIN has permission only to display this image to its users. Additional permissions should be obtained from the applicable author or publisher of the image.

Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 424(2), Berberoglu, M.A., Gallagher, T.L., Morrow, Z.T., Talbot, J.C., Hromowyk, K.J., Tenente, I.M., Langenau, D.M., Amacher, S.L., Satellite-like cells contribute to pax7-dependent skeletal muscle repair in adult zebrafish, 162-180, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.