Fig. S3

Eldred et al., 2017 - Self-organising aggregates of zebrafish retinal cells for investigating mechanisms of neural lamination
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Fig. S3

Cells cultured from younger embryonic zebrafish stages are most capable of organising.

Cells from varying embryonic stage zebrafish (24hpf – 72hpf) cultured for 48 hours. (AE) Central sagittal section of a SoFa1 aggregate cultured from 24hpf cells. (A) Merge of all channels. (B) Crx:gapCFP expressing cells are found in the centre of the aggregate. (C) Ptf1a:cytGFP expressing cells are found in a distinct ring around the outside of the aggregate. (D) Atoh7:gapRFP expressing cells are found throughout the aggregate. (E) Brightfield. (F-J) Central sagittal section of a SoFa1 aggregate cultured from 32hpf cells. (F) Merge of all channels. (G) Crx:gapCFP expressing cells are found in the centre of the aggregate. (H) Ptf1a:cytGFP expressing cells are found in a distinct ring around the outside of the aggregate. (I) Atoh7:gapRFP expressing cells are found throughout the aggregate. (J) Brightfield. (K-O) Central sagittal section of a SoFa1 aggregate cultured from 48hpf cells. (K) Merge of all channels. (L) Crx:gapCFP expressing cells are found throughout the aggregate. (M) Ptf1a:cytGFP expressing cells are found in a ring around the outside of the aggregate. (N) Atoh7:gapRFP expressing cells are found throughout the aggregate. (O) Brightfield. (P-T) Central sagittal section of a SoFa1 aggregate cultured from 72hpf cells. (P) Merge of all channels. (Q) Crx:gapCFP expressing cells are found towards the outside of the aggregate. (R) Ptf1a:cytGFP expressing cells are found in a ring around the outside of the aggregate. (S) Atoh7:gapRFP expressing cells are found throughout the aggregate. (T) Brightfield. Scale bar = 10μm.

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