Fig. 1

Jao et al., 2017 - A role for Gle1, a regulator of DEAD-box RNA helicases, at centrosomes and basal bodies
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Fig. 1

Gle1 is localized to the centrosome and basal body. (A) eGFP-tagged human Gle1 and Cetn4-TagRFP were transiently expressed from the injected RNA in the cells of dome-stage zebrafish embryos. eGFP-Gle1 localized to the NE (arrow) and the centrosome (Ce; arrowhead). (B) Confocal images of serum-starved human RPE-1 cells stained with antibodies against Gle1 and acetylated tubulin (AcTub; top) or Gle1 and PCNT (middle and bottom). Endogenous Gle1 localized to the ciliary base (top; arrowhead) and the centrosome (middle and bottom; arrowhead) as well as to NE (arrow). Scale bars: 10 μm (main images), 1 μm (insets).

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