Fig. 1

Pinzon-Olejua et al., 2017 - Cre inducible site-specific recombination in zebrafish oligodendrocytes
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Fig. 1

mCherry expression in 4- and 6-dpf Tg(mbpa:mCherry-T2A-CreERT2) larvae. A: Scheme of the Tg(mbpa:mCherry-T2A-CreERTT2) construct, which expresses a single open reading frame coding for mCherry (red) and CreERT2 (dark gray) separated by a viral T2A peptide sequence (white) under the control of the Zebrafish mbpa promoter (light gray). B–I: Native mCherry fluorescence in 4-dpf (B–E) and 6-dpf (F–I) transgenic Zebrafish larvae. B,F: Lateral view of the larvae, showing mCherry expression in presumptive myelinating cells. Scale bar, 200 µm. C,D,G,H: Higher magnification of the areas indicated by white boxes in B,F. C,G: mCherry expressing oligodendrocytes in the hindbrain and (D,H) the spinal cord. E,I: Dorsal view of the hindbrain with mCherry fluorescence in presumptive oligodendrocyte cell bodies (arrowhead) and processes (arrow). Asterisks mark auto fluorescence from yolk and pigmentation. Scale bar, 100 µm.

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