Fig. S2

Hosseini et al., 2016 - Efferocytosis and extrusion of leukocytes determine the progression of early mycobacterial pathogenesis
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Fig. S2

Different cell death morphologies of Mm infected macrophages and neutrophils. A and B) Selected frames taken from the image sequences of a macrophage (A) and a neutrophil (B) showing fragmentation of the cell in several compartment. C and D) Selected frames taken from the image sequences of a macrophage (C) and a neutrophil (D) showing rapid disappearance of the fluorescent signal. E and F) Selected frames taken from the image sequences of a macrophage (E) and a neutrophil (F) showing rounding up of the cell. Scale bars: A-B 200 µm, C-H 10 µm.

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