Fig. 7
Proximal vhl-/- pronephric tubules exhibit improved phenotype when treated with HIF2a inhibitor Compound 76. (A) Treatment protocol. Vhl-/- embryos were treated with 1µM Compound 76 (76) or DMSO vehicle control from 6hpf to 5.5dpf. (B) H&E staining of 5.5dpf vhl-/- proximal pronephric tubules (red boxes) treated with Compound 76 compared to vhl-/- treated with DMSO vehicle control. Scale bars: 0.05mm. (C) Quantification of mean lumen diameter length (transverse section) in 5.5dpf vhl-/- larvae treated with Compound 76 or DMSO control. (D) Quantification of mean lumen diameter width (transverse section) in 5.5dpf vhl-/- treated with Compound 76 or DMSO control. Each experiment had at least five larvae per sample group and was performed in duplicate. Data represent mean±s.e.m. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 (paired two-tailed t-test). |