Fig. 5

Cortés-Campos et al., 2015 - Zebrafish adult-derived hypothalamic neurospheres generate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons
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Fig. 5

Hypothalamic progenitors can differentiate GnRH neurons. (A-C) Neurospheres differentiated for 7days in vitro without hormonal stimulus. Neurospheres generate GnRH neurons (arrows). (D-F) Differentiated 7days in vitro neurospheres, stimulated for 5days with 10µM testosterone. Testosterone increases the number of GnRH neurons in NSC cultures (arrows). (G-I) Differentiated 7days in vitro neurospheres, stimulated for 5days with 10nM GnRH increases the number of GnRH neurons in NSC culture (arrows). Scale bar 25µm.

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