Fig. 1

Nath et al., 2015 - PTPMT1 Inhibition Lowers Glucose through Succinate Dehydrogenase Phosphorylation
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Fig. 1

In Vivo Chemical Screen for Modifiers of Glucose Levels Identifies Alexidine as a Glucose-Lowering Agent

(A) Measurement of glucose levels in larval zebrafish after treatment with known hyper- and hypoglycemic agents (n = 3).

(B) S-score (log ratio of the fold change in glucose levels) ranking of the glucose-lowering ability of compounds in the Prestwick library. Alexidine’s score is depicted in red, and its chemical structure is shown on the graph.

(C) Alexidine dose-response curve (n = 5).

(D–G) Bright-field (D and E) and fluorescent (F and G) images of wild-type livers (D and F) and ablated livers (E and G).

(H) Glucose measurements in larvae with wild-type livers versus ablated livers.

(I) Glucose measurements in alexidine-treated larvae with ablated livers (n = 3).

(J–M) Bright-field (J and K) and fluorescent (L and M) images of wild-type (J and L) β cells and ablated β cells (K and M).

(N) Glucose measurements in larvae with wild-type β cells versus ablated β cells.

(O) Glucose measurements in alexidine-treated larvae with ablated β cells (n = 3).

Data are presented as mean ± SEM. p < 0.01. See also Figure S1.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Day 5 to Days 7-13

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Day 5 to Days 7-13

Phenotype Detail
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