Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-140822-2
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- Kizil et al., 2012 - Regenerative Neurogenesis from Neural Progenitor Cells Requires Injury-Induced Expression of Gata3
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Gata3 Expression in Radial Glia and Newborn Neurons Is Injury Induced (A) Injury paradigm in adult zebrafish telencephalon. DM, dorsomedial; DL, dorsolateral; V, ventral. Red circle is the injury site. (B) gata3 in situ hybridization (ISH) in uninjured adult telencephalon. (C) gata3 expression in the lesioned hemisphere after the stab lesion (*) at 3 dpl. (D) Gata3 immunohistochemistry (IHC) in unlesioned telencephalon. (E) Gata3 IHC on lesioned telencephalons. (E1–E4) High-magnification images from different regions. (F) Gata3-positive cells in the ventricular region colocalize with her4.1:GFP (white arrows). Gata3 is also present in GFP-negative cells in close proximity to the GFP-positive ventricular region (yellow arrows). (F1–F3) Single fluorescence channel of the frame in (F). (G) Time course quantification graph for her4-positive radial glial cells (RGC) in regard to gata3 expression and proliferation. Nonproliferating gata3-positive RGCs, white; proliferating gata3-positive RGCs, yellow; proliferating RGCs that do not express gata3, orange. (H) Experimental scheme for BrdU treatments. (I) Gata3, huC:GFP, BrdU triple IHC. Triple-positive cells, white arrows. BrdU-Gata3 double-positive cells lacking huC:GFP in the ventricular region, yellow arrows. (J) Graph for the ratios for BrdU-Gata3 double-positive and only BrdU-positive cells. Dashed lines indicate the boundary between huC:GFP-negative and positive zones (I–I3). Scale bars: 100 μm (B–E); 50 μm (E1–E4); 20 μm (F and I). n = 8 fish for (B–E4); 4 for (F), 4 for (G), and 5 for (H and J). Data are represented as mean ± SEM. See also Figure S1. |
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Stage: | Adult |
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 23(6), Kizil, C., Kyritsis, N., Dudczig, S., Kroehne, V., Freudenreich, D., Kaslin, J., and Brand, M., Regenerative Neurogenesis from Neural Progenitor Cells Requires Injury-Induced Expression of Gata3, 1230-1237, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell