Notch negatively regulates nr2f2 in the zebrafish vasculature, but not via Sox. (A and B) Whole mount in situ hybridization of 24 hpf control (A) and Tg[fli1a:GV-EcRF];Tg[UAS:N3ICDmyc] double transgenic (B) animals treated with tebufenozide from 8 hpf to 28 hpf, probed for nr2f2. Blue arrowheads show the position of the posterior cardinal vein. The inset numbers in panel B show the number of in situ-stained embryos exhibiting strongly reduced vascular expression over the total number of embryos examined. (C and D) Whole mount in situ hybridization of 24 hpf control (C) and kdrl:Su[H]DBM-2A-mCherry injected (D) animals, probed for nr2f2. Blue arrowheads show position of the posterior cardinal vein, red arrowheads show ectopic nr2f2 expression in the dorsal aorta. The inset numbers in panel D show the number of in situ-stained embryos exhibiting patches of strong ectopic nr2f2 expression in the dorsal aorta over the total number of embryos examined. (E–H) Whole mount in situ hybridization of 24 hpf control (E and G) and Tg[fli1a:GV-EcRF];Tg[UAS:N3ICDmyc] double transgenic (F and H) animals treated with tebufenozide from 8 hpf to 24 hpf, probed for sox7 (E and F) or sox18 (G,H). The inset numbers in panels F and H show the number of N3ICDmyc-expressing in situ-stained embryos exhibiting sox7 or sox18 expression comparable to that in controls, over the total number of embryos examined. Rostral is to the left and dorsal is up in all image panels. Scale bars, 100µm.