hoxb8a is required for proper migration of the posterior lateral line primordium and expression of the chemokine receptor cxcr4b. Anterior to the left. Detection of hoxb8a mRNA (red) in cldnb:lyngfp embryos (green) at (A) 20, (B) 22, and (C) 35 hpf. Dorsal view in A, lateral views in B and C. White brackets indicate the width of the first forming proneuromast (L1). (D) Fuorescence images of cldnb:lyngfp embryos at 45 hpf injected with control and hoxb8a Mo. Red arrowheads indicate the position of the primordium. (E) Quantification of the migration of the primordium at 45 hpf (control Mo, n = 54; hoxb8a Mo, n = 91). ISH to detect expression of (F) cxcr4b, (G) cxcr7b, and (H) lef1 at 30 hpf. The primordium is outlined with dotted line. g, Posterior lateral line sensory ganglion; op, otic placode; nt, neural tube. (Scale bar: 25 µm.)