Fig. S4
Muscle promoter-driven KRASG12D expression in mosaic transgenic embryos and larvae are largely consistent with endogenous expression patterns. (A-VV) Whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization was performed using KRAS anti-sense RNA probes (E-P,U-FF,KK-VV) or KRAS sense controls (A-D,Q-T,GG-JJ) on embryos or larvae that had been injected at the one-cell stage with rag2:KRASG12D (A-P), cdh15:KRASG12D (Q-FF), or mylz2:KRASG12D (GGVV) vectors. For each time point, one representative sense control staining and three representative anti-sense probe stainings are depicted. (A,E,I,M,Q,U,Y,CC,GG,KK,OO,SS) 10 somite stage. (B,F,J,N,R,V,Z,DD,HH,LL,PP,TT) 16 somite stage. (C,G,K,O,S,W,AA,EE,II,MM,QQ,UU) 24 hpf. (D,H,L,P,T,X,BB,FF,JJ,NN,RR,VV) 5 dpf. Black arrowheads indicate areas of muscle staining at 5 dpf. Unfilled arrowhead indicates area in one rag2 embryo (1 out of 71 embryos) that displayed a population of cells with anti-sense staining. Arrows represent positive muscle fibers in a 10 somite mylz2 embryo. |