miR-30 acts to negatively regulate smoothened in developing embryos. (A–D) Somite angle analysis in wild type, miR-30 morpholino and smoothened protector morpholino injected embryos. Somite structure of (A) wild type embryos (B) miR-30 morpholino injected embryos (C) smoothened protector morpholino injected embryos. (D) Histogram to show the average somite angle in wild type and treated embryos. (E–M) Cyclopamine treatment causes reversion in somite structure to a more wild type phenotype. Images as shown of wild type embryos (E,F,G), miR-30 morpholino embryos (H,I,J) and miR-30 morpholino embryos treated with cyclopamine (K,L,M). The somite structure of (E) wild type (H) miR-30 morpholino and (K) miR-30 morpholino and cyclopamine treated embryos. (F, I, L) Expression of ptc1 is substantially reduced following cyclopamine treatment (L). Embryos are shown with anterior end to the left and dorsal side up. (G,J,M) The expanded band of slow fibres, as stained by S58 antibody, is restored to the wild type distribution following cyclopamine treatment (M). Embryo sections are orientated dorsal side to the left.