ssrp1a is disrupted in cmp mutants. (A) Genetic map of the cmp-containing region. s819- and u428-lesions in ssrp1a are shown at the nucleotide and protein level. (B-G) MO-ssrp1a-injected embryos (F,G) phenocopy cmps819 defects (D,E). Lateral views show smaller heads and eyes in mutant (D) and MO-ssrp1a embryos (F) compared with controls (B). Confocal projections of Tg(XIEef1a1:GFP)s854 highlight liver (arrowheads) and pancreas hypoplasia in cmps819 (E), and MO-ssrp1a injected embryos (G) compared with controls (C); ventral views, anterior to the top. (H-L) ssrp1a expression in wild-type embryos between 2.5 and 72 hpf. Dorsal views, anterior to the top. After 24 hpf, ssrp1a is enriched in the liver (arrowheads), eyes and fins. (M) qPCR analyses show dynamic ssrp1a and ssrp1b expression levels between 2.5 and 120 hpf. Error bars represent s.d.