Fig. S5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-130425-29
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- Drerup et al., 2013 - JNK-Interacting Protein 3 Mediates the Retrograde Transport of Activated c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase and Lysosomes
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Components of the dynein retrograde motor complex were present at jip3nl7 axon terminals. (A–E) Immunolabeling for two components of the dynein motor complex, p150glued (A–D; 2 and 5 dpf) and dynein heavy chain (E,F; 4 dpf) demonstrated that levels and distribution of these dynein motor components in axon terminals were similar between jip3nl7 and wildtype controls. neurod:EGFP transgene carriers were used to label the pLL nerve (green). The middle portion of the pLL nerve at NM3 is shown in A–F. (G) Western blot analysis of 4 dpf whole embryo extracts demonstrated the specificity of the respective antibodies (arrow indicates DHC band based on predicted molecular weight). |