Fig. 6

Beer et al., 2013 - nanos3 maintains germline stem cells and expression of the conserved germline stem cell gene nanos2 in the zebrafish ovary
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Fig. 6

nanos2+ and sycp3+ cells are not maintained in nanos3 mutant juvenile ovaries. (A–G) Analysis of nanos2-expressing cells by in situ hybridization in wild-type and nanos3 mutant 27–37 dpf ovaries. nanos2+ cells are easily detected in wild-type and mutant ovaries at 27 dpf. (A and B). At 32 dpf, nanos2+ cells are easily detectable in both wild-type and mutant ovaries, but are more abundant in wild-type (C-D). However, by 37 dpf nanos2+ cells are not detected in mutants, but are present in wild-type ovaries (E and F) Arrowheads identify representative nanos2-expressing cells in A–E. (G) Quantification of nanos2+ cells per ovary in wild-type and mutant ovaries. (H–L) Analysis of sycp3 expressing germ cell cysts by in situ hybridization in wild-type and mutant ovaries from 27–37 dpf. Actively differentiating sycp3 expressing germ cell cysts are present in both wild-type and mutant tissue at 27 dpf (H and I). By 32 dpf sycp3+ cysts cannot be detected in mutant ovaries (J and K). Arrowheads identify representative sycp3 expressing germ cell cysts (blue) in H–J, while an asterisk in I identifies a representative melanocyte pigment cell (black). (L) Quantification of sycp3+ cysts per ovary in wild-type and mutant ovaries. All images are from whole mount preparations. Scale bars: 50 μm. p-values indicate statistically significant differences.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage Range: Days 21-29 to Days 30-44

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
No data available
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage: Days 30-44

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 374(2), Beer, R.L., and Draper, B.W., nanos3 maintains germline stem cells and expression of the conserved germline stem cell gene nanos2 in the zebrafish ovary, 308-318, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.