Meis activity is required for normal expression of hoxb1a, while ectopic meis1.1 increases hoxb1a expression in lzr mutants. Each panel is oriented with anterior towards the left. (A-D) krox20 expression (red in r3 and r5) and hoxb1a expression (blue in r4) in wild-type embryos at 18-20 somites injected with mRNAs shown on the left. Note the slight the decrease in hoxb1a expression caused by either Meis mutant in C,D. (E-H) krox20, and hoxb1a expression in lzr- embryos which were injected with mRNAs as shown. Note the increased expression of hoxb1a in lzr mutants injected with Meis1.1WT (compare E with F). Genotypes of embryos were confirmed by PCR-mediated dHPLC (Pöpperl et al., 2000).