Fig. 2
Wnt2 compensates for loss of Wnt2bb function in prt/wnt2bb mutants. (A-H) Expression of hhex at 28 hpf (A-D) and ceruloplasmin at 48 hpf (E-H) shows a reduction of liver progenitors (bracket) in embryos lacking either wnt2 (C,G) or wnt2bb (B,F) and an absence in MO-wnt2;prt/wnt2bb embryos (D,H), whereas the dorsal pancreas is unaffected (asterisk). (I-N2) Prox1 expression in Tg(XlEef1a1:GFP)s854 embryos at 52 hpf shows smaller livers in MO-wnt2 (J,J2) and prt/wnt2bb embryos (K,K2), and an increasing reduction of the liver in MO-wnt2;prt/wnt2bb embryos (L-N2), which in more severe cases includes a reduction of 2F11-positive EHPD (d:M-N2); distribution of phenotypes indicated as percentages (n=65). (O-R2) Tg(fabp10:dsRed)gz4 expression confirms the reduction of differentiating liver tissue in prt/wnt2bb embryos (P,P2) and MO-wnt2 (Q,Q2) and absence in MO-wnt2;prt/wnt2bb embryos (R,R2) at 74 hpf, indicating that the liver defect fails to recover; Tg(XlEef1a1:GFP)s854 and Tg(ela3l:EGFP)gz2) expression indicates the digestive tract and exocrine pancreas remain unaffected (O-R2). (A-H) Dorsal views and (I-R2) ventral views of projections of confocal stacks; all anterior towards the top. gb, gall bladder; L, liver; p, pancreas. |