ip6k2 is expressed during zebrafish embryogenesis. Gene expression was analyzed during early embryogenesis. (A) Eight-cell-stage embryo showing maternally expressed ip6k2 mRNA. (B and C) Lateral views of blastula stage (4 hpf) embryo (B) and embryo at early gastrulation stage (6 hpf) (C) showing ubiquitous ip6k2 expression. (D) Dorsal view showing ip6k2 expression in axial cells (arrowhead) at midgastrulation (8 hpf). (E) Lateral view showing ubiquitous ip6k2 expression at 10 hpf. (F–H) Lateral views showing ip6k2 expression during segmentation stages. At 11 hpf, ip6k2 expression is detected in the neural plate and somites (arrowhead) (F). ip6k2 expression is enriched in somites (arrowhead), both forebrain and hindbrain regions, and developing eyes at 15 hpf (G); expression is reduced at 18 hpf (H). (I and J) Lateral views showing ip6k2 expression in retina, otic vesicle, and pronephric duct at 40 hpf (I) and in central nervous system at 60 hpf (J).