Fig. 8
Ventralizing activity of Cav-1 is mediated by inhibition of Boz activity. (A) Overexpression of boz dorsalizes zebrafish embryos. Embryos at one-cell stage were injected with 5 pg boz mRNA. Wild-type embryos were used as the control (N). Dorsalized embryos were divided into three groups: mild (M), intermediate (I) and severe (S). (B) Percentage of normal embryos for each group. Embryos at one-cell stage were injected with 5 pg boz mRNA, 5 pg boz mRNA plus 150 pg mRNA for cav-1α, or 5 pg boz mRNA plus 150 pg mRNA for cav-1β. Data represent mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments. (C) A proposed model for regulation of dorsoventral patterning by Cav-1. Cav-1 inhibits activity of maternal β-catenin by limiting its nuclear translocation. Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the dorsal organizer promotes boz expression that inhibits expression of ventral genes, including bmp2b and bmp4, while stimulating expression of dorsal genes such as gsc and chordin. Thus, the ventralizing activity of Cav-1 is mediated by its ability to induce ventral genes and inhibit dorsal genes. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 344(1), Mo, S., Wang, L., Li, Q., Li, J., Li, Y., Thannickal, V.J., and Cui. Z., Caveolin-1 regulates dorsoventral patterning through direct interaction with beta-catenin in zebrafish, 210-223, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.