The loss of function phenotype for a core eIF3 subunit, eif3c, is distinct from that obtained for loss of either eif3ha or eif3hb, affecting the overall features of early embryogenesis. A,B: Compared with 24 hours postfertilization (hpf) control uninjected embryos in panel A, eif3ha morphants at the same stage lack properly formed brain structures (indicated by an arrowhead in panel B), whereas, stage-matched eif3c embryos are severely damaged with an overall grossly defective development. C: Likewise, loss of eif3hb results in a distinct cardiac edema phenotype (represented by an arrow in panel C) at ~2 days postfertilization (dpf) - a time point when most eif3c morphant embryos fail to survive. Supplementary reference: Langheinrich U, Hennen E, Stott G, Vacun G. 2002. Zebrafish as a model organism for the identification and characterization of drugs and genes affecting p53 signaling.