Construct design and early Tg(lhx1a:EGFP)pt303 expression. (A) Schematic of lhx1a:EGFP construct. (B-S) Tg(lhx1a:EGFP)pt303 embryos. (B-G) Tg(lhx1a:EGFP)pt303 expression. In situ hybridization for egfp. (N-S) In situ hybridization for lhx1a. (B,H,N) Shield stage embryos, animal view. (C,I,O) Shield stage embryos, dorsal view. Arrow marks the shield and bracket denotes the marginal cells. (D,J,P) 5-somite stage embryos, dorsal-posterior view. Arrow points to intermediate mesoderm and arrowhead marks the notochord. (E,K,Q) 5-somite stage embryos, lateral view. Anterior is to the left. (F,L,R) 10-somite stage embryos, dorsal-posterior view. Arrow points to the intermediate mesoderm and arrowhead marks the notochord. White arrow denotes anterior expression domain of lhx1a in the intermediate mesoderm. (G,M,S) 10- somite stage embryos, lateral view. Anterior is to the left. Abbreviations: D, diencephalon; NK, neural keel; P, polster.