Fig. 1
Motoneurons express cxcr4b during tangential migration. (A, B) cxcr4b expression at 19 hpf (in situ hybridization). (A) Dorsal view: labeled cells are observed in r4, r5 and in r6 (dotted circle: otic vesicle). (B) Lateral view showing the ventral position of cxcr4b expressing cells. (C–E) Motoneurons co-express cxcr4b and Islet-1 during tangential migration, (double fluorescent in situ hybridization) on 24 hpf embryos. (C) cxcr4b is expressed by cells localized in rhombomere r3, r4–6. (D) Islet-1 expression in motoneurons and sensory ganglia (og: otic ganglion). (E) Merged image illustrating the co-localization of cxcr4b and Islet-1 expression (arrowhead: downregulation of cxcr4b expression). (F) cxcr4b expression (Nomarski image of in situ hybridization stainings which were inverted (red pseudocolor) and overlaid with GFP immunolabeling (G, green) shows cxcr4b co-expression in the migrating GFP positive cells. (H, merge image). Note in r4, cxcr4b cells with GFP expression (*). Scale bar: 50 μm. |
Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 40(4), Cubedo, N., Cerdan, E., Sapede, D., and Rossel, M., CXCR4 and CXCR7 cooperate during tangential migration of facial motoneurons, 474-484, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.