miR-124 expression in the zebrafish brain miR-124 is expressed in virtually all differentiating cells throughout the 3dpf, 5dpf brain and retina and conserved in similar domains in the adult brain (Table B, G). A. transverse section through the larval telencephalon and rostral epithalamus showing miR-124 expressing cells in the ventral (Sv) and dorsal (Sd) subpallium, pallium (P), olfactory bulb (OB) and habenula (Ha). Expression is absent from ventricular and periventricular cells. B. transverse section through the larval caudal telencephalon and epithalamus showing miR-124 expressing cells in the ventral (Sv) and dorsal (Sd) subpallium, pallium (P), migrated telencephalic area (M4), habenula (Ha) and epiphysis (E). C. transverse section through the larval diencephalon and rostral optic tectum showing miR-124 expressing cells in the preoptic area, (Po), eminentia thalami (ET), migrated eminentia thalami (M3), ventral thalamus (VT), dorsal thalamus (DT) and the optic tectum (TeO). D. transverse section through the larval diencephalon and midbrain showing miR-124 expressing cells in the rostral hypothalamus (Hr), periventricular posterior tubercular area (PT), dorsal thalamus (DT), periventricular pretectum (Pr) and periventricular gray zone (pgz) of the optic tectum (TeO). E. transverse section through the larval diencephalon and midbrain showing miR-124 expressing cells in the rostral hypothalamus (Hr), periventricular (dorsal-PTd, ventral-PTv) and migrated (M2) posterior tubercular area, tegmental area (T, at the level of the nucleus of medial longitudinal fascicle, N) and periventricular gray zone (pgz) of the optic tectum (TeO). F. transverse section through the larval retina (dorsal to the right) showing miR-124 expressing cells in the photoreceptor (Ph), inner nuclear (INL) and ganglion cell (GCL) layers. Expression is absent from the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). G. transverse section through the larval hypothalamus and midbrain showing miR-124 expressing cells in the intermediate hypothalamus (Hi), migrated posterior tubercular area (M2), tegmental area (T, at the level of the oculomotor nucleus NIII), semicircular torus (TS) and periventricular gray zone (pgz) of the optic tectum (TeO). H. transverse section through the larval hypothalamus, midbrain and isthmus showing miR-124 expressing cells in the intermediate hypothalamus (Hi), isthmic area (Is), cerebellar plate (CeP), semicircular torus (TS) and optic tectum (TeO). I. transverse section through the hindbrain at the level of the posterior lateral line (PLLG) and vagal (VG) ganglia showing miR-124 expressing cells in the medulla oblongata (MO) and inferior raphe (IR). J. transverse section through the adult telencephalon showing miR-124 expressing cells in the subpallium (ventral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon,Vv, lateral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon, Vl, dorsal nucleus of the ventral telencephalon,Vd) and the pallium (medial zone of the dorsal telencephalic area, Dm, posterior zone of the dorsal telencephalic area, Dp). K. higher magnification of J at the level of ventral (Vv) and dorsal (Vd) nuclei of the ventral telencephalon, showing that miR-124 expressing cells are lateral to the ventricle (blue) whereas cells lining the ventricle are devoid of labelling (red, arrowheads). L. transverse section through the adult hypothalamus showing miR-124 expressing cells in the lateral hypothalamic nucleus (LH), anterior tuberal nucleus (ATN), nucleus of the paraventricular organ (nPVO), posterior tuberal nucleus (PTN) and nucleus of posterior periventricular tuberculum (TPp).