Fig. 8
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- ZDB-FIG-080508-40
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- Henry et al., 2001 - Roles for zebrafish focal adhesion kinase in notochord and somite morphogenesis
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Notch signaling through Suppressor of Hairless is not necessary for normal fak mRNA expression; but, ectopic Suppressor of Hairless signaling disrupts the normal segmental pattern of fak mRNA expression. Black arrows indicate the side of the embryo expressing the construct, while white arrows indicate the control side. (A, C) Embryos viewed with Hoffman optics. (B, D) In situ hybridization for fak mRNA on the same embryo viewed in bright field. (A, B) A live 10-somite embryo that was injected with a dominant-negative form of Suppressor of Hairless, X-Su(H)1DBM at the two- to four-cell stage. (C, D) A live 10-somite embryo that was injected with an activated form of Suppressor of Hairless, X-Su(H)1/Ank at the two- to four-cell stage. Scale bars, 20 μm. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 240(2), Henry, C.A., Crawford, B.D., Yan, Y.-L., Postlethwait, J., Cooper, M.S., and Hille, M.B., Roles for zebrafish focal adhesion kinase in notochord and somite morphogenesis, 474-487, Copyright (2001) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.