Interaction between Syn4 and PCP signaling. Zebrafish genetic interaction experiment. Lateral views of dorsal neural tubes of 20-somite zebrafish embryos are shown after crestin staining by in situ hybridization. Dorsal to the top; anterior to the left. (A) Wild-type embryo. (B) Wild-type embryo injected with 1 ng of syn4 MO. (C) tri mutant. (D) tri mutant injected with 1 ng of syn4 MO. (E) Percentage of inhibition of NC migration. White, no inhibition; yellow, mild inhibition; red, strong inhibition. (F) Wild-type embryo injected with 1 ng of wnt5 MO. (G) Wild-type embryo co-injected with 1 ng of wnt5 MO and 1 ng of syn4 MO. (H) Percentage of inhibition of trunk NC migration.