Fig. 5

Davis et al., 2008 - Expression and comparative genomics of two serum response factor genes in zebrafish
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Fig. 5

Modulating endogenous Srf genes. Expression of srf1 and srf2 genes was studied in the ZF4 embryonic zebrafish fibroblast cell line following transduction with the indicated adenoviral transgenes. Total RNA was isolated for RT-PCR three days post-viral transduction. Note attenuated expression of both srf transcripts with shRNA to mammalian Srf and increases with a human MYOCD transgene. Increases in endogenous myh11 (a known mammalian SRF target gene restricted only to SMC lineages; Miano et al., 1994) are also evident with Ad-MYOCD. As in Fig. 3, the hprt housekeeping gene serves as a loading control. Results were repeated in an independent study.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
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