Comparison of the expression of msxb and msxd genes in 4-day fin regenerates using the two ISH methods. A,B: Whole-mount ISH showing expression of msxb and msxd in the distal region of the fin regenerate at 4 dpa. msxd is also expressed in the distal part of the interray tissue. C: Upon sectioning of the whole-mount fins, msxb expression is seen in the distal blastema. D: ISH on sections reveals a broader expression domain for msxb encompassing the entire blastema as well as in newly differentiating scleroblasts. E: Sections of whole-mount fins hybridized with the msxd probe shows expression in the distal epidermis, in the distal blastema, and, on some sections, in the basal layer of the epidermis adjacent to the differentiating scleroblasts. F: msxd expression following ISH on sections is similar to that seen following whole-mount ISH. Arrowheads in E and F indicate the basal epidermal cells close to the differentiating scleroblasts expressing msxdF: msxd expression following ISH on sections is similar to that seen following whole-mount ISH. Arrowheads in E and F iE. Arrows in A and B indicate the level of amputation. L, lepidotrichia; b, blastema; ble, basal lay