Fig. 11
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- ZDB-FIG-070918-61
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- Walker et al., 2006 - Zebrafish furin mutants reveal intricacies in regulating Endothelin1 signaling in craniofacial patterning
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Edn1 signaling specifies arch fates through regulation of Dlx gene expression and ventral arch elongation. (A) Edn1 activation of Dlx genes and hand2 is critical for DV pharyngeal arch patterning. Edn1 activation of hand2 subdivides a broader dlx3b and dlx6a domain into intermediate and ventral arch fates. Dorsal arch fates are largely Edn1 independent. (B) Temporal model for Edn1 regulation of intermediate/ventral (I/V) domain patterning. Early Edn1 signaling specifies an arch compartment, containing both intermediate and ventral fates. Subsequent segregation of cell fates occurs in conjunction with ventral arch elongation. furinA and edn1 mutants have a delay in ventral arch elongation, and defects in the specification and segregation of cell fates. Black line represents ventral aspect of first pharyngeal pouch. Bars below black line represent ventral arch and are drawn to scale with ventral arch measurements from Fig. 10. Colors represent response of cells to Edn1 signaling as in panel A. Yellow bars above black line represent dorsal arch and are not drawn to scale. (D) dorsal, (I) intermediate, (V) ventral, (p1) pharyngeal pouch 1. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 295(1), Walker, M.B., Miller, C.T., Talbot, J.C., Stock, D.W., and Kimmel, C.B., Zebrafish furin mutants reveal intricacies in regulating Endothelin1 signaling in craniofacial patterning, 194-205, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.