Fig. 5

Stoick-Cooper et al., 2007 - Distinct Wnt signaling pathways have opposing roles in appendage regeneration
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Fig. 5

Fins regenerate faster in fish heterozygous for a loss-of-function mutation in axin1. (A) Average length of regenerating tail fins at 7 dpa is increased in fish heterozygous for an axin1 loss-of-function mutation (mbltm013) compared with wild-type siblings. Results of one representative experiment of three are shown. To determine the length of the regenerate for individual fish, the average length of the third, fourth and fifth dorsal regenerating fin ray was calculated. n=12 wild-type fish and 9 mbl heterozygous fish; error bars represent the s.e.m. of the average regenerate lengths; ***, P=0.0009 (one-tailed). (B) The number of fin rays (in percent of the total number counted) is plotted against the length of the regenerate (in 0.1 mm intervals) for wild-type (upper bar graph) and axin1 heterozygous fish (lower bar graph). The curves represent a fifth-order polynomial trendline. The average regenerate length is marked by black bars at the x-axis. 148 fin rays were counted (combined results from three experiments) in 19 wild-type fish and 94 rays were counted in 10 axin1+/- fish.

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Stage: Adult

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