Whole-mount in situ hybridization of Tnnt1, Tnnt3a, Tnnt3b, and sMyHC genes during zebrafish late somitogenesis. Embryos were hybridized with sMyHC (A-D), Tnnt1 (E-H), Tnnt3a (I-L), and Tnnt3b (M-P) riboprobes, respectively. C,G,K,O: Dorsal views. A,B,E,F,I,J,M,N: Lateral views. D,H,L,P: Ventral views. The anterior is to the left in all pictures. Embryonic stages are indicated in each panel. am, adductor mandibulae; fb, fin bud; hh, hyohyoideus; hm, horizontal myospetum; sh, sternohyoideus; sm, somites. Muscle nomenclature is based on Schilling and Kimmel ([1997]). Scale bar = 50 μm in B,F,J,N, 100 μm in A,C-E,G-I,K-M,O,P.