lsn mutation causes a failure of enteric precursors to populate the entire length of the intestine but does not perturb the initial migration of vagal neural crest to the anterior gut. (A,C,E,G) Wild-type and (B,D,F,H) lsn mutants embryos. Anterior is towards the left. (A,B) Ventral view of the vagal region of 36 hpf embryos hybridized with riboprobes for crestin. (C,D) Ventral view of the vagal region to somite 10 of 48 hpf embryos hybridized with riboprobes for phox2b, showing a failure of phox2b-expressing cells to populate the entire length of the intestine. Arrows indicate the migrating enteric precursors. The yolk has been removed from the embryos (A-D). (E-H) Lateral views of the intestine, 72 hpf wild-type (E,G) and lsn mutant (F,H) embryos hybridized with riboprobes for phox2b (E,F) and nos1 (previously nnos) (G,H).