Expression of sna-1 in the head region and the pectoral fin buds investigated by whole-mount in situ hybridisation. (A) 1 day, lateral view; sna-1 is expressed in the tip of the tail, the posterior somites and in ventral lateral regions of the head sparing the trigeminal ganglion and the otic placode. (B,C) 2 days, lateral view; sna-1 is predominantly expressed in lateral regions of mandibular and hyoid (B), and in medial parts of all arches including the 5 gill arches (C). (D) 2.5 days, dorsal view; sna-1 expression in the two presumptive muscle bundles of the pectoral fin bud. Abbreviations: trigeminal ganglion (tg), otic placode (op), somites (s), mandibular (md), hyoid (hy), gill arches (ga), pectoral fin bud (pfb).