Expression of her3 and her9 is independent of proneural genes. (A-C) Expression of her3, her9 and hes5 in embryos that had received an injection of RNA for Myc-tagged Neurog1 (Neurog1MT, 50 pg) and ß-galactosidase (50 pg) (the injection was into one blastomere of two- to four-cell stage embryos) at the one-somite stage. Co-staining with the riboprobes and X-gal. (D-L) Expression of her3, her9 and islet1 in embryos that received injections of control MO (2 ng, D-F) or 1 ng neurog1-MO and 2 ng olig2-MO (N1/O2 MO, G-I) at the one-somite stage. Dorsal views with anterior towards the top. Misexpression of Neurog1MT reduced the her3 expression and strongly induced the ectopic expression of hes5, but did not affect the her9 expression. neurog1/olig2 morphant embryos showed the loss of RB and primary motoneurons, which express islet1, but displayed a normal expression of her3 and her9.