
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
ut28 dnah10
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR5-dnah10
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR5-dnah10
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR5-dnah10
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
trunk curved, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk kinked, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk curved, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk kinked, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column kinked, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk kinked, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk curved, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
Reissner's fiber disassembled, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 3 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal AB + CRISPR2-dnah10 + CRISPR3-dnah10 + CRISPR4-dnah10 + CRISPR5-dnah10 standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column kinked, abnormal AB + CRISPR2-dnah10 + CRISPR3-dnah10 + CRISPR4-dnah10 + CRISPR5-dnah10 standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal AB + CRISPR2-dnah10 + CRISPR3-dnah10 + CRISPR4-dnah10 + CRISPR5-dnah10 standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk curved, abnormal AB + CRISPR2-dnah10 + CRISPR3-dnah10 + CRISPR4-dnah10 + CRISPR5-dnah10 standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk kinked, abnormal AB + CRISPR2-dnah10 + CRISPR3-dnah10 + CRISPR4-dnah10 + CRISPR5-dnah10 standard conditions Fig. 1 from Wang et al., 2021
Reissner's fiber disassembled, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28; sspout24Tg/+ (AB) standard conditions Fig. 4 from Wang et al., 2021
cilium movement disrupted, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28; sspout24Tg/+ (AB) standard conditions Fig. 4 from Wang et al., 2021
trunk curved, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28; ut22Tg/+ (AB) standard conditions Fig. 2 from Wang et al., 2021
ventricular system cilium decreased mobility, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28; ut22Tg/+ (AB) standard conditions Fig. 2 from Wang et al., 2021
central canal cilium decreased mobility, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28; ut22Tg/+ (AB) standard conditions Fig. 2 from Wang et al., 2021
cilium movement disrupted, abnormal dnah10ut28/ut28; ut22Tg/+ (AB) standard conditions Fig. 2 from Wang et al., 2021