- Title
The Reissner Fiber in the Cerebrospinal Fluid Controls Morphogenesis of the Body Axis
- Authors
- Cantaut-Belarif, Y., Sternberg, J.R., Thouvenin, O., Wyart, C., Bardet, P.L.
- Source
- Full text @ Curr. Biol.
Embryonic posterior axis defects strictly correlate with scospondin mutated alleles, related to Figure 1 and Table S1 A. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing leading to a nonsense mutation, and a five amino acids insertion in the EMI domain of SCO-spondin for the scospondinicm13 and scospondinicm15 allele, respectively (SP: signal peptide, EMI: Emilin domain, SCOR: SCO-spondin repeats, vWD: von Willebrand D domain, LDLRa: Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor type A Repeat, TSR: Thrombospondin type 1 Repeats, CTCK: C-terminal Cystine Knot, see [S1]). B. scospondin mutants show different levels of severity in body axis curvature at 48 hpf (score 1, 2, 3). Curvature defects are classified according to the angle (θ) between the tail and the rostral axis. C. Around 25% of embryos showed curvature defects from 30 hpf onwards, in agreement with Mendelian distributions. Curvature defects (%, mean ± SEM) were more pronounced over time for both scospondin alleles (from 30 to 72 hpf, n=386 and 248 embryos for icm13 and icm15 alleles respectively, n= 3 clutches). D. Embryos from scospondinicm13/+ and scospondinicm15/+ incrosses were genotyped at 72 hpf using the Sph1 restriction site loss in scospondin mutants. E. All scospondin homozygous mutants showed the curled-down phenotype and it was observed neither in the scospondin heterozygous nor in wild type embryos. The same is true for trans-heterozygous scospondinicm13/icm15 embryos (data not shown). F. To perform morphometric analysis of scospondin mutants, 48 hpf control and curled-down embryos from both alleles were measured for the eye, brain ventricles and tail area (dotted lines) as well as head and trunk height and tail length (solid lines). (Scale bar represents 1 mm.) G. To perform morphometric measurements at the level of the trunk, 30 hpf control and scospondinicm13/icm13 embryos injected at one cell stage with the Ras-eGFP mRNA were immunostained against GFP. The membrane-tag fluorescence was used to measure the spinal cord (sc), floor plate (fp) and notochord (nc) height in both straight and curled-down siblings. H. Representative images of a 30 hpf control embryo immunostained against phospho-histone 3 (PH3, right) allowing to detect cell proliferation. DAPI counterstaining of the nuclei (left) allowed differentiating dorsal and ventral tissues above and under the floorplate (dotted line) respectively. I. Quantification of PH3 positive cells in control (black) and scospondinicm13/icm13 (green) embryos at 30 hpf in dorsal and ventral tissues. n=10 embryos for each condition. p= 0.57; 0.55, t= -0.58; 0.61 and df= 15; 14 for dorsal; ventral tissues respectively; two-tailed t-test. Scale bars represent 30 μm in G and H. |
Cilia length and density are unchanged in scospondinicm13/icm13 mutants, related to Figure 2 and Video S1 A. Z projection of a stack of lateral optical sections (depth= 3 μm) of the spinal cord of a 30 hpf embryo immunostained against Acetylated-tubulin (left) and after tracing to estimate cilia length (yellow). Scale bar represents 10 μm. B. Cilia length is similar in scospondinicm13/icm13 embryos (green) compared to control siblings (black). (Median ± interquartile range, n= 83; 105; 95 and 95 and 67; 96; 94 and 89 cilia at 24; 30; 35 and 40 hpf for control and scospondinicm13/icm13; p = 0.53; 0.14; 0.53 and 0.61, respectively. t= -0.7; -1.8; -0.67 and -0.55, respectively; df = 3.05; 3.4; 3.9 and 2.9, respectively, two-tailed t-test). Each box plot represents a single fish; color intensity reflects the number of measured objects for each fish. Similar results were obtained for scospondinicm15/icm15 embryos (data not shown). C, D. Z projection of stacks of lateral optical sections (depth = 3 μm) of the spinal cord stained with DAPI and against Gamma-tubulin in a 30 hpf control sibling (top) and scospondinicm13/icm13 curled-down embryo (bottom), allowing to detect basal bodies around the central canal (cc). Centers of mass of detected objects were used to quantify cilia density shown in D as the number of basal bodies per 100 μm2. n= 5 control (black) and 5 scospondinicm13/icm13 embryos (green). p= 0.52, t= 0.68, df= 8, two-tailed t-test. Each point corresponds to a single fish. Scale bars represent 10 μm in C. |
Transport of exogenous fluorescent beads in the cerebrospinal fluid is abolished in elipsa mutants with defective cilia, related to Figure 3 and Video S2. A. Superimposed images of transmitted light (DIC) and fluorescent 20-nm diameter beads (magenta) injected in the third ventricle of 30 hpf control sibling and elipsa mutant embryos. Beads are transported down the central canal in straight control siblings, but not in elipsa mutants as shown 60 minutes post-injection (mpi). Scale bar represents 0.5 mm. The progression of the fluorescence front in the central canal is quantified in B as the segment number reached 60 minutes after injection (mean ± SEM) in control sibling (n = 3) and elipsa mutant embryos (n = 5) (p = 0.0014; t = 12.46, df = 2.84, two tailed t-test). |
The sub-commissural organ is immunoreactive for the Reissner fiber material in mutants with defective cilia, related to Figure 4. Z projection of stacks of dorsal optical sections (depth = 23 - 26 μm) of 48 hpf embryos immunostained against Acetylated-tubulin (magenta) allowing to detect axonal tracts (POC: post-optic commissure, PC: posterior commissure, arrowheads), and the Reissner fiber material (green) in the sub-commissural organ (SCO, double arrowheads). Control embryos (here an iguana sibling) as well as iguana, oval, elipsa and kurly mutants show immunoreactivity for the Reissner fiber material in the SCO. Rostral, top. e: eye. Scale bar represents 50 μm. |