- Title
Expression patterns from GAL4 enhancer trap screen
- Authors
- Mason, L., Scott, E.K., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K., and Baier, H.
- Source
Larvae transgenic both for the s1000t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the pallium and hindbrain. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1001t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the ear and lateral line neuromasts. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1002t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the ear and circulating blood cells. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1003t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the retina, spinal cord, and blood vessels. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1005t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the gut and sparse cells in the spinal cord and ear. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1006t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the sensory cranial ganglia and lateral line ganglia. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1007t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the eye, pallium, hindbrain, and spinal cord. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1009t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the hindbrain. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1010t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the trigeminal and vagal sensory ganglia. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1011t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the habenulae, hindbrain, and spinal cord. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1013t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the pallium, tectum, hindbrain, and spinal cord. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1014t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in paired midbrain nuclei. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1016t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the hindbrain and blood vessels. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1017t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in retina, ear, and hypothalamus. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1019t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the habenulae. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1020t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the thalamus and spinal cord. |
Larvae transgenic both for the s1021t insertion and Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t will express Kaede in the pallium and sensory cranial ganglia. |
Expression: light ventral eye expression, paired weak hypothalamus, fairly dense spinal cord, sparse pallium, light habenulae |
Expression: eye, pineal, floor plate, |
Expression: clean cristae in ear, eye - few cell bodies in ONL |
Expression: dorsal thalamus, subpallium (small sphere just posterior to OB, smaller than OB), ear (anterior cristae), very bright Midbrain (tegmentum?), tectal neuropil and cell bodies, possible habenula and faint IPN, eye: almost no PRCs, ~1/2 cell bodies in ONL |
Expression: eye: glia, internal organ (digestive?), ear, dorsal patch of cell bodies in the cerebellum - Purkinje neurons, some tectal glia, light olfactory |
Expression: Cranial ganglia, motor neurons in Hindbrain, broad habenula with projections to IPN, Midbrain - 2 ant-post parallel lines with laterally projecting neurites |
Expression: distinct sensory cranial ganglia, Habenula with projection to IPN, bright olfactory pits, faint OB, projections extending from OP to OB, lateral line ganglia |
Expression: 2 thin lateral columns of cell bodies in anterior hindbrain (rhombomeres?), olfactory epithelium, thin line down ventral side of tail with dorso-ventral projections evenly spaced spaning notochord and spinal cord, eye?, vasculature all over |
Expression: eye: most PRCs, olfactory epithelium, habenula and pineal (varies btwn larvae), spinal cord (not distinct cells) |
Expression: habenula, eye: cell bodies in all layers including RGCs and optic nerve, tectal neuropil, spinal cord neurons, olfactory epithelium, cloudy lateral extension between MB and HB, floorplate of HB extending up from ventral spinal cord, numerous scattered dots through HB |
Expression: habenula subset and projections`` to IPN which is brightly labeled, olfactory epithelium, HB diffuse, cell bodies in MB more ventral than IPN projections may be coming from a group of cell bodies closer to the eye than habenula? |
Expression: sparse but clean tectum cell bodies, sparse cell bodies on midline in HB, very few SCNs |
Expression: bright eye: RGCs?, optic tract back into MB, tectum, maybe Trigeminal cranial ganglia?, faint scattered cell bodies in FB and HB, cluster of cell bodies just dorsal to yolk/ventral HB, SCNs, notochord |
Expression: eye, lens, ear, habenula, 2 big bright mirrored cell body groups just anterior to SC (vagal CG?), HB, few circulating blood cell |
Expression: caudal tectum, pineal, pallium, eye: all layers especially in the anterior eye, ON |
Expression: scattered cell bodies in tectum and HB, possible tectal neuropil, pineal? |
Expression: pineal complex, pallium, caudal hypothalamus, eye: cell bodies in ONL - bipolar?, very few PRCs (1-2), some RGCs?, cell bodies on midline in between eyes - thalamus? |
Expression: light pallium , pineal, eye, SCNs with pojections, mucous cells on gut |
Expression: tectal neuropil, many tectal cell bodies especially at midline and caudal edges of the tectum, pineal complex, many cell bodies in dorsal HB |
Expression: 3 patches in the shape of a triangle in caudal hypothalamus region, possible tectal neuropil, eye: cell bodies in ONL and INL, cell body patches in MB touching caudal eye (visible in eye section), pallium? |
Expression: subset of tectal cell bodies, scattered cell bodies in dorsal HB, maybe vagal cranial ganglia |
Expression: tectal neuropil, subset of habenula (but maybe to far lateral), dorsal cell bodies in HB, ventral MB cell bodies, ear, axons anterior to ear?, eye: most PRCs, some cell bodies in INL and few RGCs, light IPL |
Expression: Tectum (caudal portion), spinal cord neurons, forebrain |
Expression: bright forebrain, gut, sparse cell bodies in pineal complex, scattered cell bodies in MB and HB?, eye |
Expression: broad and bright spinal cord, bright hindbrain with distinct cell bodies, scattered cell bodies in FB and HB, cell bodies at MHB, bright spot on ventral FB between eyes - thalamus? |
Expression: Trigeminal and Vagal cranial ganglia with cuadal projections down the tail and projections anteriorly,few scattered cell bodies in MB, spinal cord neurons, many distinct cell bodies throughout the hindbrain, few cell bodies in olfactory region, eye - cell bodies in ONL (bipolar), RGCs? and few PRCs, plexiform layers not expressing, eye expression varies slightly |
Expression: bright glia in MB and HB, spinal cord, lens, ear cristae, lateral line? |
Expression: tectum - glia (varies), something in forebrain, bright spinal cord, mucous cells on gut, eye expression - few PRCs, len |
Expression: olfactory pits, olfactory bulb? maybe glomerulus, eye: some PRCs, sparse cell bodies in INL/ONL; ear, spinal cord neurons, patch on floorplate of midbrain, light tectal neuropil? |
Expression: eye: few PRCs (esp ventral), few RGCs, ON; distinct cell bodies in hindbrain, patch of cell bodies in midbrain (centered on DV axis), 2 mirrored dots on dorsal surface at start of tail - on inner dorsal ear?, 2 mirrored dots in hindbrain (just posterior to midbrain) on dorsal surface and spaced far apart laterally - on inner ear?, parallel clusters of cell bodies between eyes in midbrain, |
Expression: bright forebrain, eye, many distinct spinal cord neurons, ventral floorplate of hindbrain and midbrain, |
Expression: bright hindbrain with distinct cell bodies, bright spinal cord, pineal (sometime no pineal, those with pineal also have PRCs in eye |
Expression: olfactory bulb, habenula subset (varies), dim along midline of ventral most midbrain and hindbrain, eye, 2 paired cell bodies clusters in forebrain |
Expression: tectal neuropil, some cell bodies in HB with projections - glia? |
Expression: tectal glia and some tectal neuropil and possibly some tectal cell bodies, pallium cell bodies with projections, pineal, glia in HB, ear, SCN |
Expression: bright MHB, olfactory pits, pallium - OB?, maybe eye, bright pineal complex - projections to IPN, tectum |
Expression: Stripe down central dorsal MB, bright FB - pallium, faint ear, Lateral line ganglia, SC and SCN |
Expression: tectum neuropil, subset of habenula, few cell body clusters in FB, SCNs, blood vessels, eye - most layers, many bipolar cells, few PRCs, some labeling in plexiform layer |
Expression: tectal neuropil, bright pineal, caudal hypothalamus?, eye, cell bodies in dorsal HB, ear |
Expression: pineal complex, subset of habenular cell bodies, eye, pallium or subpallium? including OB?, possibly some scattered tectal cell bodie |
Expression: lens, faint patch in venral MB on midline - IPN?, some cell bodies in ventral FB inbetween eyes - mirrored across the midline - thalamus? |
Expression: eye, tectum subset?, cell bodies in HB along lateral cuadal borders, MHB, cell bodies in FB, 4 clusters of cell bodies in MB - habenula and thalamus or tegmentum? - may be connected? |
Expression: very bright FB, tectal subset? (distal-caudal tips), HB glia?, distinct cell body clusters at FMB with projections - possible habenula, faint MHB |
Expression: eye - cell bodies in ONL - bipolars, PRCs (varies) |
Expression: 1. Eye: cell bodies in all layers including bipolars in INL, RGC, no PRCs, no pineal 2. Eye: cell bodies in all layers including bipolars in INL, RGC, PRCs, strong pineal |
Expression: habenular subset? (right habenula only) or pineal, cell bodies in pallium, few scattered cell bodies throughout brain - esp in ventral MB on midline - tectal cell bodies?, light tectal neuropil, |
Expression: light pineal, few cell bodies in FB, bright expression in HB between ears, circular patch of distinct cell bodies dorsal to yolk at interior of anterior tail |
Expression: subsest of hypothalamus (4 clusters) - 2 light smaller anterior clusters close to midline and 2 larger brighter clusters at caudal end (possible projections to HB), maybe eye? |
Expression: eye, 2 cell body clusters at FMB, cell bodies at MHB with projections caudally?, ear, notochord |
Expression: tectum glia (varies btwn larva), sparse cell bodies in pallium, eye? |
Expression: bright SC up through HB, light olfactory pits, habenulae, thalamus? in MB (just below habenulae)- 2 large bright distinct patches that extend at an angle DV approximately along the FMB with faint projections caudally, perhaps some tectal neuropil, portion of the MHB on midline |
Expression: neuromasts - all bright |
Expression: cell bodies just posterior to MHB in HB, few cell bodies in between eyes (thalamus?), possilbe cranial ganglia with light projections, tectal neuropil in anterior lateral corners of tectum, very few tectal cell bodies in anterior lateral corner of tectum, eye: subset of PRCs, few cell bodies in ONL and INL and GCL(esp in dorsal eye), light ON, in posterior eye many ventral PRCS |
Expression: tectal neuropil, few scattered cell bodies including some tectal cell bodie |
Expression: cell bodies in MHB, broad ventral expression in FB, ear? |
Expression: olfactory pits, broad spinal cord, notochord, gut, light coating of brain, eye: very few PRC |
Expression: pineal, ear, circulating blood cells, bright gut, tectum?, pallium?, olfactory epithelium |
Expression: tectal neuropil subset in anterior lateral tectum with ventral projections, few tectal cell bodies, bright pineal, eye, ventral MB, SCNs, light olfactory |
Expression: subset of tectum (caudal and midline)- cell bodies and glia, few cell bodies in HB |
Expression: patch on midline of ventral FB (thalamus?), HB, eye?, few distinct cell bodies in ear |
Expression: pallium, pineal complex with projections to IPN, few faint cell bodies in midbrain (tectum?)*very little expression elsewhere |
Expression: tectal neuropil subset, pineal, few habenular neurons, scattered cell bodies in FB and MB, SCNs up through HB, equally spaced dots along tail (not LL), eye: some PRCs, scattered cell bodies in INL, some RGCs w/ light ON labeling |
Expression: ear, pineal, pallium, lateral line, eye?, HB diffuse and thick just posterior to MHB - not distinct cell bodies? |
Expression: tectum subset, FB, pineal, eye?, SCN |
Expression: Tectum - cell bodies and neuropil, ear otoliths?; neuromasts and lateral line, another line of neurons equally spaced down tail closer to SC (could be complete Brn3C pattern) |
Expression: thick MHB, cell bodies all over dorsal HB - glia?, expression in FB, scattered cell bodies in thalamus, eye: all layers esp ventral eye; ON, few cell bodies in tectum or just ventral to tectum |
Expression: SCNs, eye: IPL, innermost layers of INL - amacrine cells, few RGCs, Optic tract? with ganglia, pineal? |
Expression: many cell bodies in tectum (varies some), FB |
Expression: thalamus, some tectal neuropil?, scattered cell bodies in FB and OE, HB |
Expression: tectal neuropil and cell bodies, habenula, dorsal cell bodies all over dorsal HB, some cell bodies in FB, eye cell bodies in all layers (more concentrated in dorsal eye) inc RGCs and ON with projections back into tectum |
Expression: stripe of cell bodies down the dorsal midline of the MB beginning at the pineal where it briefly extends ventrally, cell bodies with projections (glia?) in the HB, SCNs, some ear, few tectal cell bodies and light tectal neuropil |
Expression: FB, light tectal neuropil with ventral projections, dorsal HB just interior to ear |
Expression: broad caudal tectum, cell bodies on dorsal HB, pineal, some cell bodies in FB, eye: some PRCs, some cell bodies in INL |
Exression: cell bodies in between eyes - thalamus?, tectum, habenula with projections to IPN |
Expression: cell bodies in tectum, habenula with projections to IPN, something overlapping with the habenula (just ventral to) |
Expression: cell bodies in between eyes in thalamus region (number varies btwn larvae), faint projections into tectal neuropil, subset olfactory pit |
Expression: HB bars with possible projections coming anteriorly from ventral tectum region, few habenular cell |
Expression: eye, broad and bright SC |
Expression: tectal cell bodies and neuropil (especially caudal end), SCNs, eye: all cell layers - concentrated in medial eye, ON, cell bodies in HB |
Expression: FB patch, light eye, few SCNs, |
Expression: bright and distinct MHB, HB - rhombomeres? (between ears), eye, few SCN |
Expression: very bright FB patch (esp ventral), pineal w/ projection ventral/caudal to two patches in the hypothalamus/thalamus region, eye: many PRCs, few cell bodies in INL, ON; olfactory pits, caudal and midline tectal neurons, tectal neuropil and ventral tectal cell bodies, OB? |
Expression: tectal neuropil (varies), bright FB, olfactory pits, pineal complex, ear, dorsal HB, hypothalamus?, 2 patches just caudal to hypothalamus (or most caudal hypothalamus), eye: most layers including RGCs, ON, Variegated |
Expression MHB but not on periphery (more internal), caudal hypothalamus?, eye: varies, cell bodies in INL and PRCs, light pineal, dim unspecific cell bodies in pallium, |
Expression: FB patch (limited), pineal, eye: no PRCs but cell bodies in all other layers inc RGCs, tectal neuropil (RGC arbors), dorsal cell bodies in caudal HB, ear |
Expession: patches on most caudal tectum (size varies)*very little other expression |
Expression: very little expression in brain (few scattered cell bodies), clean SCNs (esp ventral) with clean projections spanning DV tail |
Expression: FB patch, light pineal complex, few SCNs, vasculature in tail, inner ear (interesting?), eye: most PRCs very few scattered cell bodies in INL, cell bodies in between eyes in MB |
Expression: many cell bodies with projections along ventral FB and back through MB, possible ventral tectal cell bodies on near midline, lens, eye: most PRCs and cell bodies in ONL (bipolar) with extensions into plexiform layer |
Expression: very little in brain, ventral eye: PRCs and some cell bodies in INL and few in RGCs, ON |
Expression: most of the habenular neurons with projection back t o IPN (lightly labeled), possible branching of projections, ear |
Expression: light tectal neuropil, a DV 'sheet' in the HB btwn ears?, +/- cell bodies in telencephalon, olf, single glomerulus (bilaterally symmetric) |
Expression: tectal neuropil, cell body patches just anterior to MHB and continues into the HB, cell body on dorsal HB on periphery, SCNs, few tectal cell bodies especially near midline, eye: RGCs and few PRC |
Expression: Olfactory Bulb, some exp in olf pit, few cell bodies in pineal, scattered cell bodies in HB, possibly very light tectal neuropil |
Expression: pallium, bright hypothalamus that splits and projects back to caudal hypothalamus, broad SC, probably no eye |
Expression: olfactory bulb, olfactory pits, possible lens *very little other expression |
Expression: tectum, cell bodies on the midline and neuropil more laterally, SCNs - esp dorsal, light ear, cell bodies in HB, eye: several layers including RGCs - esp dorsal proliferative zone and Optic nerve |
Expression: tectal neurons - most caudal or the peripheral tip, pineal - varies, stripe on dorsal HB midline, eye: glia |
Expression: pineal complex with projections to IPN, tectal neuropil subset, pallium, few dorsal cell bodies in HB, eye - multiple layers including RGCs and amacrine |
Expression: Broad spinal cord that continues into the MB on the midline, a thin line on most dorsal NC, eye puncta, CG with projections anterior and around ear, scattered cell bodies throughout MB, many cell bodies in HB |
Expression: pineal, some SCNs, light NC, possible light tectal neuropil, eye - many PRCs, cell bodies in ONL and INL? and possibly some RGC |
Expression: subset of tectum especially caudal portion - a lot of glia, bright pineal, possible subset of habenular neurons, Olfactory bulb, few cell bodies in caudal ‘lobes’ of hypothalamus?, eye: some cell bodies in all layer |
Expression: pineal, subset of habenular neurons, tectal neuropil especually cuadal subset, portion of OB, some SCNs, caudal hypothalamus ‘bars’, some cell bodies in MHB, light expression ventral MB inbetween eye |
Expression: pineal, light tectal neuropil subset, light expression in thalamus? (MB midline), few scattered cell bodies in eye including RGCs, light ON |
Expression: pallium, tectal neuropil, cell bodies throughout HB, many SCNs, thalamus or hypothalamus in ventral MB, lateral line - large, gut? - intestine, neuromast |
Expression: bright eye with RGC projections to the tectum, tectum neuropil, ON, many SCNs that continue up in the HB and flatten out at the MHB |
Expression: faint noncell body expression in ventral MB and HB especially caudal to ear, same noncell body expression in 2 patches just anterior to FMB and ventral/lateral to habenula, NC |
Expression: most of tectal cell bodies and neuropil, dorsal cell bodies in HB, light OP, habenula subset, most SCNs, broad eye: all PRCs, almost all cell body types in eye including RGCs, ON |
Expression: cell bodies in most caudal tectum, sparse OP, 2 small patches in OB?, few scattered cell bodie |
Expression: 2 mirrored ventral patches between eyes just caudal to OB?, ventral midline patch in FB/MB caudal to eyes - thalamus?, some scattered cell bodies, ear |
Expression: lateral tectum, faint pineal?, point dorsal to medulla in HB |
Expression: cell bodies in thalamus? (patch of cell bodies between eyes in MB) with possible light caudal projections, very light tectal neuropil, probable pineal, cell bodies on dorsal HB, other scattered cell bodies in brain, NC, eye: lens, some RGCs, cell bodies in ONL especially cell bodies just inside the PRC layer, no or very few PRC |
Expression: very broad all over brain except tectum, sparse cell bodies only on the outer edge of the tectum, very bright FB patch, just posterior to this there are 2 patches with caudal projection |
Expression: very light lateral line, FB ‘lobes’, 2 patches just post and dorsal to FB (btwn eyes) with light caudal projections, ear with some caudal projections, OP, SCNs, scattered dorsal cell bodies in MB and HB |
Expression: paired SCNs down tail with possible ventral projection |
Expression: cell bodies in FB, pineal, subset of habenular neurons w/ projections to a faint IPN, ear, projections from ear to dorsal HB, few scattered dorsal cell bodies in MB and HB |
Expression: tectal cell bodies in anterior midline, ear, scattered cell bodies esp dorsal HB, few SCNs w/ ventral projections, thin dim diffuse line down ventral SC |
Expression: bright patch in pallium, portion of pineal, possible eye puncta (possible ON in section, but no other eye expression?), tail: thin line on dorsal SC w/ curved projections spanning DV segmented down entire length of tail, diffuse expression in MB |
Expression: eye: all layers, cell bodies in ONL, few PRCs, RGCs, ON; ventral ear, SCNs esp dorsal, yolk and something digestive, scattered cell bodies, few tectal cell bodies, many cell bodies between eye |
Expression: pineal, FB, caudal tectal cell bodies, faint hypothalamus with projection coming anteriorly, dorsal HB cell bodies, ear |
Expression: tectal neuropil with projections wrapping ventrally then caudally to the MHB, bright expression at MHB |
Expression: cell bodies at anterior ear: T-CG? with projections coming in anteriorly and going out caudally around ear, small patch of cell bodies at dorsal HB (cerebellum) on midline just anterior to start of SC, few eye punctal |
Expression: few puncta in eye, expression at dorsal-posterior corner of eye in MB, some SCNs, ear |
Expression: 2 parallel AP bars between eye - thalamus?, many axons are faintly expressing - extending from the thalamus area back through the HB, cell body patch at MHB/caudal tectum on the midline with cell bodies extending laterally along caudal tectum?, something digestive? |
Expression: tectal cell bodies along midline and caudal tectum with axons in the tectum?, cell bodies all along dorsal HB, eye, something in the ‘throat’ area connected to the heart |
Expression: few scattered cell bodies in head, possible tectal glia?, expression around ear, dorsal stripe on HB/trunk, ventral SC? or just ventral to SC (on top of yolk and up into ventral HB) - interesting pattern |
Expression: bright pallium, tectal neuropil, bright cell bodies in HB extending into trunk |
Expression: bright pallium with caudal extensions, few scattered cell bodies in head |
Expression: eye - all layers including RGCs with projections back to tectum |
Expression: few cell bodies in anterior thalamus or hypothalamus, light tectal neuorpil, dorsal HB cell bodies, mauthner neuron |