ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-971209-60
Finger-Baier, Karin
Email: kfinger@neuro.mpg.de
URL: http://www.neuro.mpg.de/2511/baier
Affiliation: Baier Lab
Address: Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology Dept. Genes -Circuits - Behavior (Group Baier) Am Klopferspitz 18 D-82152 Martinsried
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 89 8578 3263
Fax: +49 89 8578 3240

Mapping and cloning of zebrafish genes.

Sneddon, L.U., Schroeder, P., Roque, A., Finger-Baier, K., Fleming, A., Tinman, S., Collet, B. (2023) Pain management in zebrafish : Report from a FELASA Working Group. Laboratory animals. 58(3):261-276
van der Westhuizen, C., Botha, T.L., Finger-Baier, K., Brouwer, G., Wolmarans, W. (2023) Contingency learning in zebrafish exposed to apomorphine- and levetiracetam. Behavioural pharmacology. 34(7):424-436
van Staden, C., de Brouwer, G., Botha, T.L., Finger-Baier, K., Brand, S.J., Wolmarans, D. (2019) Dopaminergic and serotonergic modulation of social reward appraisal in zebrafish (Danio rerio) under circumstances of motivational conflict: towards a screening test for anti-compulsive drug action. Behavioural brain research. 379:112393
Köhler, A., Collymore, C., Finger-Baier, K., Geisler, R., Kaufmann, L., Pounder, K.C., Schulte-Merker, S., Valentim, A., Varga, Z.M., Weiss, J., Strähle, U. (2017) Report of Workshop on Euthanasia for Zebrafish-A Matter of Welfare and Science. Zebrafish. 14(6):547-551
Förster, D., Arnold-Ammer, I., Laurell, E., Barker, A.J., Fernandes, A.M., Finger-Baier, K., Filosa, A., Helmbrecht, T.O., Kölsch, Y., Kühn, E., Robles, E., Slanchev, K., Thiele, T.R., Baier, H., Kubo, F. (2017) Genetic targeting and anatomical registration of neuronal populations in the zebrafish brain with a new set of BAC transgenic tools. Scientific Reports. 7:5230
Grisham, R.C., Kindt, K., Finger-Baier, K., Schmid, B., and Nicolson, T. (2013) Mutations in ap1b1 Cause Mistargeting of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase Pump in Sensory Hair Cells. PLoS One. 8(4):e60866
Mason, L., Scott, E.K., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K., and Baier, H. (2009) Expression patterns from GAL4 enhancer trap screen. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Muto, A., Orger, M.B., Wehman, A.M., Smear, M.C., Kay, J.N., Page-McCaw, P.S., Gahtan, E., Xiao, T., Nevin, L.M., Gosse, N.J., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K., Baier, H. (2005) Forward Genetic Analysis of Visual Behavior in Zebrafish. PLoS Genetics. 1(5):e66
Seiler, C., Finger-Baier, K.C., Rinner, O., Makhankov, Y.V., Schwarz, H., Neuhauss, S.C., and Nicolson, T. (2005) Duplicated genes with split functions: independent roles of protocadherin15 orthologues in zebrafish hearing and vision. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(3):615-623
Page-McCaw, P.S., Chung, S.C., Muto, A., Roeser, T., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K.C., Korenbrot, J.I., and Baier, H. (2004) Retinal network adaptation to bright light requires tyrosinase. Nature Neuroscience. 7(12):1329-1336
Loosli, F., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K.C., Ober, E.A., Verkade, H., Wittbrodt, J., and Baier, H. (2003) Loss of eyes in zebrafish caused by mutation of chokh/rx3. EMBO reports. 4(9):894-899
Geisler, R., Rauch, G.J., Baier, H., van Bebber, F., Brobeta, L., Dekens, M.P., Finger, K., Fricke, C., Gates, M.A., Geiger, H., Geiger-Rudolph, S., Gilmour, D., Glaser, S., Gnugge, L., Habeck, H., Hingst, K., Holley, S., Keenan, J., Kirn, A., Knaut, H., Lashkari, D., Maderspacher, F., Martyn, U., Neuhauss, S., Neumann, C., Nicolson, T., Pelegri, F., Ray, R., Rick, J.M., Roehl, H., Roeser, T., Schauerte, H.E., Schier, A.F., Schönberger, U., Schönthaler, H.-B., Schulte-Merker, S., Seydler, C., Talbot, W.S., Weiler, C., Nüsslein-Volhard, C., and Haffter, P. (1999) A radiation hybrid map of the zebrafish genome. Nature Genetics. 23(1):86-89