
Korzh, Vladimir

Person ID
Laboratory of Neurodegeneration (Kuznicki Laboratory)
and also: Korzh Lab (closed down)
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology 4 Ks. Trojena Str., 02-109 Warsaw Poland
(+48 22) 597 07 00; ext. 765
(+48 22) 597 07 15
Biography and Research Interest
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Invited Reviews:

Korzh, V. (1998). Multiple roles of hedgehog vertebrate genes: lessons from mutants. Ontogenez 29:323-334.

Korzh, V. (1994). Genetic Control of Early Neuronal Development in Vertebrates. Curr Opin Neurobiol 4:21-28.

Korzh, V., Krauss, S. (1992). Zebrafish Paired Box Genes: Aspects of Neuronal Development in Vertebrate Embryo. Ontogenez 23:341-350.

Korzh V. (1987). Homeobox: Facts and Hypothesis. Ontogenez 18:345-353.

Research articles related to the loach (Misgurnus fossilis L.) studies

Korzh V., Dmitrevskaya T., Kononenko V. (1990). Microinjection of fluorescent dyes into loach embryos. III. Photometry of giant nuclei of YSL. Ontogenez 21:96-99.

Korzh V., Baikova O., Dmitrevskaya T. (1989). Microinjection of fluorescent dyes into loach embryos. II. Studies of morphology of giant nuclei of YCL. Ontogenez 20:357-363.

Korzh V., Dmitrevskaya T., Baikova O., Barenboim G. (1989) Microinjection of fluorescent dyes into loach embryos I. Studies of intracellular transportation. Ontogenez 20:343-349.

Kozlov A., Reshetnikov V., Korzh V., Neyfakh A. (1988). Fate of plasmid DNA in the developing embryos of loach Misgurnus fossilis L. Molecular Biology (Russian) 22:1614-1622.

Burakova T., Korzh V., Khainovskaya A., Neyfakh A. (1988). Low-molecular weight nuclear RNAs increase the duration of loach anucleate embryo life. Proc. Akad Sci. USSR 303: 733-735.

Korzh V., Burakova T., Mazin A., Neyfakh A. (1985). Activation of genetic apparatus of teleost fish embryos after microinjection of snRNA. Biopolimers and Cell, 1:14-20.

Burakova T., Korzh V., Neyfakh A. (1984). Injection of low molecular weight RNA into loach embryos activates synthesis of macromolecules. Proc. Acad. Sci. USSR, 274: 413-416.

Abramova NB, Korzh VP, Neifakh AA (1983). Regulation of the number and function of mitochondria during artificial increase of their mass in fish embryos. Biokhimiia 48:1279-1286.

Klyachko O., Korzh V, Gorgolyuk S., Timofeev A., Neyfakh A. (1982). Nonuniform distribution of enzymes in fish eggs. J. Exp. Zool., 222:137-139.

Korzh V. 1981. Microinjection of macromolecules and mitochondria into loach eggs. Ontogenez (Soviet J.Dev.Biol.), 12:187-192.

Abramova NB, Korzh VP, Neifakh AA (1980). Regulation of oxygen consumption and cytochrome oxidase activity after artificial increase of mitochondrial content in fish embryos. Biokhimiia 45:1124- 1132.

Burakova T., Korzh V., Shostak N., Neyfakh A. (1980). Activation of RNA synthesis in loach embryos by injection of nuclear 0.35 M NaCl extract. Molecular Biology (Russian) 14:922-927.

Abramova NB, Burakova TA, Korzh VP, Neifakh AA (1979). Injection of mitochondria into oocytes and fertilized eggs. Ontogenez 10:401-405.

Proceedings of meetings:

Korzh V, Kazansky A., Sleptsova I., Gorodetsky S. (1990). The study of the influence of cis- regulatory sequences and trans-regulatory factors of eucaryotes on CAT gene expression in Xenopus oocyte. In book: Nuclear structure and function (eds.I. Zbarsky, J. Harris), Oxford Univ.Press, NY, p. 105-108.