ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-201008-17
Ban, Kevin
Email: kban080@uottawa.ca
Affiliation: Berman Lab
Address: CHEO 401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ONK1H 8L1
Country: Canada


Prykhozhij, S.V., Ban, K., Brown, Z.L., Kobar, K., Wajnberg, G., Fuller, C., Chacko, S., Lacroix, J., Crapoulet, N., Midgen, C., Shlien, A., Malkin, D., Berman, J.N. (2024) miR-34a is a tumor suppressor in zebrafish and its expression levels impact metabolism, hematopoiesis and DNA damage. PLoS Genetics. 20:e1011290e1011290
van Karnebeek, C.D.M., Tarailo-Graovac, M., Leen, R., Meinsma, R., Correard, S., Jansen-Meijer, J., Prykhozhij, S.V., Pena, I.A., Ban, K., Schock, S., Saxena, V., Pras-Raves, M.L., Drögemöller, B.I., Grootemaat, A.E., van der Wel, N.N., Dobritzsch, D., Roseboom, W., Schomakers, B.V., Jaspers, Y.R.J., Zoetekouw, L., Roelofsen, J., Ferreira, C.R., van der Lee, R., Ross, C.J., Kochan, J., McIntyre, R.L., van Klinken, J.B., van Weeghel, M., Kramer, G., Weschke, B., Labrune, P., Willemsen, M.A., Riva, D., Garavaglia, B., Moeschler, J.B., Filiano, J.J., Ekker, M., Berman, J.N., Dyment, D., Vaz, F.M., Wassermann, W.W., Houtkooper, R.H., van Kuilenburg, A.B.P. (2024) CIAO1 and MMS19 deficiency: a lethal neurodegenerative phenotype caused by cytosolic Fe-S cluster protein assembly disorders. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. 26(6):101104
MacLean, J.E., Wertman, J.N., Prykhozhij, S.V., Chedrawe, E., Langley, S., Steele, S.L., Ban, K., Blake, K., Berman, J.N. (2023) phox2ba: The Potential Genetic Link behind the Overlap in the Symptomatology between CHARGE and Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndromes. Genes. 14(5):
Prykhozhij, S.V., Caceres, L., Ban, K., Cordeiro-Santanach, A., Nagaraju, K., Hoffman, E.P., Berman, J.N. (2023) Loss of calpain3b in Zebrafish, a Model of Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, Increases Susceptibility to Muscle Defects Due to Elevated Muscle Activity. Genes. 14(2):