Phenotype: Mauthner neuron myelin sheath decreased thickness, abnormal
Note: This statement combines anatomy and/or ontology terms with phenotype quality terms to create a complete phenotype (EQ) statement. For detailed information on individual terms, click the hyperlinked term name.
Name: Mauthner neuron
Definition: Is a hindbrain interneuron. Giant reticulospinal neurons possessing thick crossed axons and positioned dorsally in the hindbrain tegmentum at the level of entrance of the eighth cranial nerve. The Mauthner neuron is paired. The M-cell has two large invariant dendrites: The lateral dendrite terminates in the sensory neuropil of the acoustico-lateral area, and the ventral dendrite terminates in the neuropil of the motor tegmentum. Fine dendrites are present, and mostly arise from three regions; from the terminus of each major dendrite and from the ventral surface of the perikaryon.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009149]
Name: myelin sheath
Synonyms: astrocyte sheath, oligodendrocyte myelin sheath, Schwann cell myelin sheath
Definition: An electrically insulating fatty layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons. It is an outgrowth of glial cells: Schwann cells supply the myelin for peripheral neurons while oligodendrocytes supply it to those of the central nervous system.
Ontology: GO: Cellular Component [GO:0043209]    QuickGO    AmiGO
Name: decreased thickness
Synonyms: low thickness, slender, thin
Definition: A thickness which is relatively low.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0000592]