Phenotype: skeletal muscle tissue development decreased process quality, abnormal
Note: This statement combines anatomy and/or ontology terms with phenotype quality terms to create a complete phenotype (EQ) statement. For detailed information on individual terms, click the hyperlinked term name.
Name: skeletal muscle tissue development
Synonyms: myogenesis
Definition: The developmental sequence of events leading to the formation of adult skeletal muscle tissue. The main events are: the fusion of myoblasts to form myotubes that increase in size by further fusion to them of myoblasts, the formation of myofibrils within their cytoplasm and the establishment of functional neuromuscular junctions with motor neurons. At this stage they can be regarded as mature muscle fibers.
Ontology: GO: Biological Process [GO:0007519]    QuickGO    AmiGO
Name: decreased process quality
Definition: A quality of a process that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0002302]