Phenotype: lateral line axon ab1-tuba labeling increased amount, abnormal
Note: This phenotype statement describes a gene expression or antibody labeling pattern. Anatomy terms are combined with a gene or antibody and phenotype quality.
Name: lateral line
Synonyms: lateral lines
Definition: The lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head and body of all fishes and most amphibians. The lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear and between the eye and ear.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0001469]
Name: axon
Definition: The long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses, usually away from the cell body to the terminals and varicosities, which are sites of storage and release of neurotransmitter.
Ontology: GO: Cellular Component [GO:0030424]    QuickGO    AmiGO
Name: Ab1-tuba
Previous Names: 32-2700 (1), 6-11 B-1 (1), 6-11-B1 (1), Ab11323 (1), ab24610 (1), MABT868 (1), SC-23950 (1), T-6793 (1), T6793 (1), T7451 (1), anti-acetylated tubulin 6-11B-1 (1)

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Name: increased amount
Synonyms: accessory, increased, increased number, present in greater numbers in organism, supernumerary
Definition: An amount which is relatively high.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0000470]